Data Structure & Algorithm
I am going to start the complete data structure and algorithm blog series to help the developer community understand the basics and help them become more productive in their work environment. As we all are under lockdown until the next update from the government, I have decided to support my friends and colleague to understand the data structure and algorithm. Let's begin by separating the data structure and algorithm in two terms. When you hear about data structure, what comes first to your mind. I believe most of you thought of storing any form of data in an efficient way. Yes, You are correct 👍. Now, Second and the most important term is an algorithm , It is a set of rules to be followed to solve a problem. To gain more understanding of the data structure and algorithm, let us take an example:- E.g., We are all going to attend the google conference and they have a single registration desk. If we all reach the registration counter together, to register ourselves. Such a ...