2D Array Implementation
Let's do the implementation and understand it in a deep-dive. We will go step-by-step and implement the most useful method.
Declare and Initialization Phase- O(1)
Update the element value for a particular index- O(1)
Fetch element for a particular index- O(1)
Remove element for a particular index- O(n*m)
Search element from the start and return first found index- O(n*m)
Search element from the end and return first found index- O(n*m)
Check element is exists- O(n*m)
Check is array empty- O(1)
Get the size- O(1)
Declare and Initialization Phase- O(1)
private int currentRow = 0; private int currentColumn = 0; private int maxRow, maxColumn; private int[][] nums; private int maxElement; public MultiDimensionArray(int maxRow, int maxColumn) { this.maxRow = maxRow; this.maxColumn = maxColumn; nums = new int[maxRow][maxColumn]; maxElement = maxRow*maxColumn; }Add Element- O(1)
public void add(int value) { if (size() <= maxElement) { if (currentColumn <= maxColumn-1) { nums[currentRow][currentColumn++] = value; } else { if (currentRow < maxRow-1) { currentRow++; currentColumn = 0; } nums[currentRow][currentColumn++] = value; } } else throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(); }
public int set(int row, int column, int value){ if (row <= currentRow) { if (row == currentRow && column < currentColumn) { return findAndReplace(row, column, value); } else if (row < currentRow && column < maxColumn){ return findAndReplace(row, column, value); } else throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(column); } else throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(row); }
public int get(int row, int column) { if (row <= currentRow) { if (row == currentRow && column < currentColumn) { return nums[row][column]; } else if (row < currentRow && column < maxColumn){ return nums[row][column]; } else throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(column); } else throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(row); }
public void remove(int row, int column) { if ((currentRow == row && column <= currentColumn) || (row < currentRow && column < maxColumn)) { fastRemoval(row, column); } else throw new ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException(); } private void fastRemoval(int row, int column) { for (int i = row; i <= currentRow; i++) { int columnStart = (i == row) ? column : 0; int endLength = (i == currentRow) ? currentColumn -1 : nums[i].length; for (int j = columnStart; j < endLength; j++) { if (j < endLength-1 || i == currentRow) { nums[i][j] = nums[i][j+1]; } else { if (i != currentRow) nums[i][j] = nums[i+1][0]; } } } if (currentColumn == 0) { currentColumn = maxColumn -1; currentRow--; } else currentColumn--; }
public int indexOf(int val) { for (int i = 0; i <= currentRow; i++) { int startIndex = (i == currentRow) ? currentColumn-1 : nums[i].length-1; for (int j = 0; j <=startIndex; j++) { if (nums[i][j] == val) return ((i) * maxColumn) + j; } } return -1; }
public int lastIndexOf(int val) { for (int row = currentRow; row >= 0; row--) { int startIndex = (row == currentRow) ? currentColumn-1 : nums[row].length-1; for (int column = startIndex; column >= 0; column--) { if (nums[row][column] == val) return (row*maxColumn) + column; } } return -1; }
public boolean contains(int value) { for (int i = 0; i <= currentRow; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < currentColumn; j++) { if (nums[i][j] == value) return true; } } return false; }
public boolean isEmpty() { return currentColumn == 0 && currentRow == 0; }
public int size() { return (((currentRow) * maxColumn) + currentColumn+1); }
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